Distance Education
Distance education, or distance learning, is a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy and andragogy, technology, and instructional systems design that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically "on site". According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “is a process to create and provide access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both.” In other words, distance learning is the process of creating an educational experience of equal qualitative value for the learner to best suit their needs outside the classroom. Rather than attending courses in person, teachers and students may communicate at times of their own choosing by exchanging printed or electronic media, or through technology that allows them to communicate in real time and through other online ways. Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence for any reason including the taking of examinations is considered to be a hybrid or blended course of study. This emerging technology is becoming widely used in universities and institutions around the globe. With the recent trend of technological advance, distance learning is becoming more recognized for its potential in providing individualized attention and communication with students internationally.
Educación a Distancia
La educación de distancia, o la enseñanza a distancia, son un campo de educación que enfoca en la pedagogía y andragogy, tecnología, y el diseño de sistemas de instrucción que apunta para entregar la educación a los estudiantes que no estan físicamente " en el sitio ". Según el Departamento estadounidense de Agricultura, " es un proceso para crear y proporcionar el acceso al estudio cuando la fuente de información y los principiantes estan separada en tiempo y la distancia, o ambos. " En otras palabras, la enseñanza a distancia es el proceso de crear una experiencia educativa de valor igual cualitativo para el principiante al mejor pleito(traje) sus necesidades fuera del aula. Más bien que asistir cursos en la persona, los profesores y estudiantes pueden comunicarse de vez en cuando de su propio escogimiento por cambiando medios de comunicación impresos o electrónicos, o por la tecnología que les permite
autodisciplina. Esta flexibilidad de horarios a veces es vulnerada por ciertos cursos que exigen participaciones online en horarios y/o espacios específicos.
* Sustantivos: education, distance, andragogy.
* Verbos: study, is, may, used
* Adjetivos: This (este, esta)
*Adverbio: to, that
* Transitional signals (conectores): to,or.
* Idea Principal:
Distance education, or distance learning, is a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy and andragogy, technology, and instructional systems design that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically "on site".
* Ideas Secundarias:
. - Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence for any reason including the taking of examinations is considered to be a hybrid or blended course of study.
- Rather than attending courses in person, teachers and students may communicate at times of their own choosing by exchanging printed or electronic media, or through technology that allows them to communicate in real time and through other online ways
Núcleo de la Frase Nominal:
Is (NFV)
a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy and andragogy, technology, and instructional systems design that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically "on site". (FV).
FN: Frase Nominal
NFV: Núcleo de la Frase Verbal
FV: Frase Verbal
Tiempo: Presente Simple.
Cognados verdaderos: Distance, education, technology, systems, education,distance.
Cognados falsos: courses,
Palabras que se repiten: education, distance, learning, information, tecnology.
Skimmin:La educacion a distancia es una modalidad en que el estudiante no necesita estar en el aula de clase,fisicamente hablando.Es una modalidad en donde el estudiante puede asistir a clases utilizando la tecnologia,chat,foros,videoconferencias,entre otras.La caracteristica principal de la educacion a distancia es la comodidad de escuchar clases desde el hogar,sin interrumpir las labores cotidianas del alumno.
Scanning:Distance education,
Marcadores de definicion:Is a field of education, systems design that,this emergingis technlogy is become,is onther words,is a procces to
Marcadores de tiempo:are separated by time and distance.